Subject Verb Agreement Test Middle School

As a professional, it`s important to understand the value of proper grammar and subject-verb agreement. This is especially true for middle school students who are learning the basics of writing, and must develop their skills in order to succeed in high school and beyond.

One way to test a middle school student`s understanding of subject-verb agreement is to give them a simple exercise. Here is an example:

“Each of the students _____ (play/plays) a musical instrument.”

The correct answer is “plays,” because “each” refers to a singular noun (student). This shows that the subject (each student) agrees with the verb (plays).

Another example:

“The dog and the cat _____ (chase/chases) each other around the yard.”

The correct answer is “chase,” because the verb must agree with the subject closest to it (in this case, “cat and dog”). Again, this shows proper subject-verb agreement.

A more challenging example:

“Neither the teacher nor the students _____ (is/are) happy about the test.”

The correct answer is “are,” because “students” is plural. Even though “neither” and “nor” suggest a singular subject, the presence of a plural noun means that the verb must be plural.

By testing middle school students on their understanding of subject-verb agreement, educators can ensure that they are developing strong writing skills that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional careers. And by focusing on SEO-friendly topics, we can help ensure that more students have access to these important lessons.