Agreement after War of 1965

The agreement after the war of 1965 was a historic moment in the relationship between India and Pakistan. Known as the Tashkent Declaration, the agreement was signed on January 10, 1966, by then Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Ayub Khan respectively.

The agreement came after 17 days of intense negotiations in the Uzbekistan city of Tashkent. The talks were mediated by Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin. The primary objective of the negotiations was to bring an end to the hostilities that had started with Pakistan`s incursion into Jammu and Kashmir in August 1965.

The Tashkent Declaration marked a significant step towards resolving the long-standing dispute between India and Pakistan. It called for the withdrawal of troops to pre-war positions, the cessation of hostilities, and a commitment to resolving all disputes through peaceful means. Both sides also agreed to respect each other`s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national unity.

The Tashkent Declaration was seen as a breakthrough at the time, and it received praise from around the world. The United Nations welcomed the agreement, and several countries expressed their hope that it would lead to lasting peace in the region.

However, the implementation of the Tashkent Declaration was not straightforward. Both sides accused each other of violating the agreement, and tensions simmered for several years. In 1971, a new war broke out between India and Pakistan, leading to the creation of Bangladesh.

Despite the challenges, the Tashkent Declaration remains a crucial milestone in India-Pakistan relations. It was the first-ever agreement between the two countries that acknowledged the need for peaceful coexistence and a commitment to resolving disputes through dialogue.

In conclusion, the agreement after the war of 1965, known as the Tashkent Declaration, was an essential step towards resolving the longstanding tensions between India and Pakistan. Although the implementation of the agreement was challenging, it remains a vital document in the history of the region and a symbol of hope for lasting peace.